holistic diet plans/ weight management

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Holistic Diet Plans/Weight Management

First Session:  An assessment focusing on:


Ongoing Sessions

Checking on habit-building and observing changes mentally, psychologically, and physically.
what to do if you are experiencing sweet or salty cravings?
  • Postpone what you are craving for half an hour and try the following steps:
  • Ask yourself when was your last meal?
  • IF your last meal was 3-4 hours ago then prepare yourself a delicious meal eat it MINDFULLY and then eat what you are craving for. (The amount must be minimal).
  • IF you recently had a meal and you still feel hungry, ask yourself what is the thought or the feeling you are experiencing right now.
  • Locate your feeling, take a breath and express it . Try to write it down.
  • Take a hot shower or dip your feet in sea salt and warm water for 15 minutes.
  • Practice breathing exercise.
  • Use essential oils ( like lavender , lemon grass…).
  • Talk to a friend or if you can go for a walk.
  • If you are still having cravings, try to eat a snack very slowly and make sure that the quantity your are eating is minimal.

Hello, I'm Omar, a chemical engineer. I went to serk the help of Ms Nawal during my mid university years.... I was morbidly obese, descending from a family that suffered from obesity, leading a sedentary lifestyle, all what i cared about was studying and video games, and sure what comes with them as a source of stress relief like junk food and binge eating and staying up for late hours... At first, i thought that i couldn't do it! then session after another, working on my mindset, daily habits, correcting my sugar blood levels, and integrating 3 days a week physical exercise i started to enjoy the effect of the new routine. My life has changed drastically, from a video game adict to a book reader, from sedentary to a gym lover, from chaos to balance and healthy habits...


Chemical Engineer

Hi I'm Hania.I went to Ms. Nawal thinking that I'll stuffer as usual in restrictive dieting to lose weight... knowing that I have a sweet tooth and sometimesi have episodes of binge eating. Yet, the reality was way better than my expectations!!! She made me realize that losing weight or gaining health is an easy small step by step process.It is a lifestyle rather than deprivation , and that our eating patterns are strongly related to out mental heath and feelings...I learned that hunger has names and that eating in response to a feelings is common but working on managing these feelings and thoughts is a way to decrease these episodes. I learned that managing our meals will affect my blood sugar and in turn mu mood and that was a key to stay no matter what happens I eat in a more organized and way all thanks for Nawal an amazing nutritherapist.


Hello, I'm Nadine Azzam a working mom. I'm in my middle 30s. I came to Ms Nawal to help me manage my eating patterns. I used to nibble uncontrollably during my working days and after dinner and suffered from problems in digestion. I wanted a quick solution to shed off the weight i gained... then session after sesdion I was able to learn how to manage my daily meals and snack, balance between my body needs and wants... and enjoy the process of building and maintaining a deep connection between my body and mind... the weight comes in the process
By the way it is my first time that i comit to visiting a dietitian on a regular basis

Nadine Azzam

Working Mom

I started my journey with one thing in mind: to maintain a healthy lifestyle and habits.

In the efforts to gain a stable eating balance, I gained a strong sense of discipline.

Dr. Nawal helped me appreciate the difficult steps I have accomplished and managed to merge my routine and mentality with a better and refined lifestyle.

Not only did my mental state develop, but also my physical state improved significantly over time as I started my daily activities.


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